Jessie Keens

A Collection of Stories c. 2008 – present

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I don’t know who these stories are for. But I hope they are enjoyed. By young and old. I don’t know if these are even technically stories. To be true. I don’t know if anyone will even read this. I don’t know. Much of life is a guess. But I wrote these… I think. Well, they came from somewhere. Anyway… here they are, just for you. Whenever you are feeling blue. Laugh a little. Cry a little. It won’t hurt. Unless someone hits you with your device. Because they didn’t find it funny. For then I am sorry. You have such shitty friends. Dump them. Be your own best friend. Or get a cat. Ok. Enough chit chat. Click a story. You won’t be missing anything here. Just me rambling. Ramble ramble. This is a nice font. Ok. There is no more room here. You really have to go now. Maybe if I make the font smaller. No. I don’t like that.