Jessie Keens

A Collection of Stories c. 2008 – present

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By The Fire

The land is screaming
What happened to her dreaming

Flames burning collective fears
Like falling tears of many years
So that hearts may now reign
On fire sparked from a shallow race

The game is over
Nobody wins
We have all lost
Nature’s gifts


By the fire
Feeling for the truth
Hand on the land
Trust in the dust
Made of all of us


What can I do?

To grow
To give
To change

My actions
My thoughts
My ways

It ends with me and you
That’s what we can do
Let me start by saying
I have dreams too…

Calm clear skies of endless pastel hues
Red tingly sand protecting the land
Cool blue sparkly rain
Tree tops alive with green
Yellow sunlight energizing

See the beauty of nature
Comes from you

Hold the world in your arms
Like a tired child
Screaming to dreaming
What else can you do
If that’s what she wants to do

Inherit the sense
Once all is lost
Who will be left
Counting the cost


What is the point?
If you can’t breathe
If you lost everything


Could you call yourself friend
Could you say you lent a helping hand
Not just to your kin
But to every man

It’s clear to me
Despite of the haze


Watch the flowers bloom
Nature is our driving force
From whom there is no divorce
We need her
She doesn’t need us

Open your heart
Let go of the hurt
Let it wash away in the stream

Open your mind
Let go of the fears
Let them blow away in the wind

Open your hands
Let go of the pain
Let it fall away like the leaves

Now what can you do?

Written for the 2019-2020 Victorian bushfires.