Jessie Keens

A Collection of Stories c. 2008 – present

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Miss Poo Pea Eww

My sister 
Doesn’t like peas
She says they’re furry and green
And that they taste like poo
I tell her that’s not true
And she says yeah
They do look a lot like snot too!
I don’t know how to react
When she opens the front door and screams
Eeeewwwww! I can smell peas!
She makes such a scene
If there so happens to be a pea on her plate
You will hear her plea
That those vile things have no place
In lasagne, arancini or risotto
We often deliberate
How nice this fried rice could have been
Sans peas
Those little smooshy things
That fall off your fork
Straight onto the floor
What a chore!
But she actually doesn’t mind them raw
Fresh peas popped straight from the pod
Miss Poo Pea Doo
Does actually like peas after all
I say either way is okay
But overcooked peas are the best
Because then I get to hear…
Ewww! What are these!? Peas!